The site is Riddersviks scout cabin and it doesn´t have a streetadress.

Approximately address is Skogsbergskroken 24 i Hässelby.
This is a map in Google Maps to Skogsbergskroken 24.

Directions if you go by public transports

Take the subway to Vällingby where you will change to bus.

Take bus 541 (search timetable on to Lingonrisgränd. It takes approximately 15 minutes.

Then you have to walk about 2 kilometres (1.24 Miles) from the bus stop till Riddersvik and it will take approximately 25 min.

Skogsbergskroken 24 is were the where the road-gate is. From the road-gate there is about 500 meter (0.31 miles)  in to the woods and on the left side of the road you will find Riddersviks scout cabin.


Directions if you are driving

Go towards Hässelby Villastad (Bergslagsvägen 275) and continue in on Lövstavägen.

Follow Lövstavägen til it ends in a T-crossing.

Take left in on Kyrkhamnsvägen.

The second road on your right is Skogsbergskroken.

Follow the road til you get to a road-gate. Park your car there.

Walk abut 500 meter (0.31 miles)  in to the wood till you se Riddersvik scout cabin on the left of the road.

Do you have problems walking or if you have heavy packing with you. Call someone in the autocrat team

Do you wish GPS-coordinates to Riddersviks scout cabin, they are:
WGS84 59˚23’51.2”N 17˚46’32.9”E
WGS84 DDM 59˚23.853’N 17˚46.549’E
WGS84 decimal (lat, lon) 59.397547, 17.775815
RT90 (north, east) 6587980, 1611946
SWEREF99 TM (north, east) 6587607, 657605

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